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then the point on the inside bottom
spline. Then create a new spline by
pressing < Ctrl >+< p >.
You've just completed the outline of the eye
using four separate splines. Take a moment
to spin around in your Perspective view and
check for anything that looks out of place.
The outline should bulge out at the center
and taper in and back on the sides.
Inspecting your splines like this is a habit
you should get into. Check it from multiple
angles and don't be afraid to move points
that seem out of place. Oftentimes you'll
find that the Perspective view will reveal
problems that would be difficult to identify
in the orthographic views alone.
Now that we've got an initial outline, it's
time to branch out.
Shaping the spline in at least two of the
three viewports is something you will always
need to do. From here on out, I'm going to
describe the creation of each spline, but I
will expect you to make the adjustments
necessary in each viewport.
Create a single point at the outside cor-
ner of the eye. Then deselect it. Now
select the outside point on the top
spline, followed by the point you just
created, and finally the outside point on
the bottom spline. Press < Ctrl >+
< p > to create a new spline.
Create a single point at the inside cor-
ner of the eye. Then deselect it. We're
going to repeat the procedure in Step 3
for the left (inside) part of the eye.
Select the point on the inside top
spline, the point you just created, and
Create three more points over the top
of the eyebrow and convert them into a
Figure 14-10: The fourth spline is created in the same manner as the third by
using two existing points and a third new point at the inside corner of the eye.
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