Graphics Programs Reference
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Chapter 14
Spline Modeling
Exercise 2: Modeling
a Human Head
Splines are a wonderful tool and I hope
you're beginning to see just how powerful
they can be. Splines are most often used to
model objects with large complex surface
areas, such as vehicles and aircraft. In this
chapter, we'll be looking at a more esoteric
use of splines, namely for the creation of a
realistic human head model.
This chapter will provide a detailed
explanation of the process. It is a long chap-
ter, but don't let that intimidate you. Each
step is broken down and discussed in detail,
making it easy to follow, even for new
users. That said, however, I expect you to
have already worked through the previous
modeling chapters and to have a basic
understanding of the spline modeling rules
outlined in Chapter 12.
We'll get into the actual modeling
shortly, but first let's talk about the things
that make a good head model.
Figure 14-1: The head model built in this chapter with textures applied.
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