Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
From Hanmer Springs, it may be possible to arrange transport to the trailheads with Han-
mer Springs Adventure Centre ( 0800 368 7386, 03-315 7233; ) ,
depending on its workload.
Nelson Lakes Shuttles ( Click here ) runs between Nelson and St Arnaud (Nelson Lakes
National Park) to the St James (either trailhead) for $110 per person (minimum five people).
Trampers with their own vehicles can avail themselves of the services of Boyle River
Outdoor Education Centre, near the southern end of the track. They will drop you off in
your car at the track start ($26), then return your car to Boyle where it is stored until your
return ($7 per day).
The Tramp
Day 1: Lewis Pass to Ada Pass Hut
Follow the Tarn Nature Walk from the car park, passing a beautiful tarn that, on a still day,
reflects the surrounding mountains. The nature walk leads you right onto the St James Walk-
way, which heads northeast. You begin with a climb into beech forest, followed by a steep
descent that drops 170m, and after 30 minutes reach a swing bridge over the Maruia River
Right Branch . From the middle of the bridge you can peer into the start of Cannibal Gorge .
On the true right (west) bank of the gorge the track begins the longest climb of the day,
topping out in 30 minutes at Phils Knob, where you can enjoy a sweeping view of the
rugged valley below. You continue to sidle the side of the gorge, climbing in and out of nu-
merous gullies, some posted as avalanche chutes.
Eventually you descend to a footbridge across the river, three hours (6km) from the car
park, with Cannibal Gorge Hut (20 bunks) just another 15 to 20 minutes away. The hut is a
nice facility on the edge of a grassy meadow and is a good choice if you arrive late at Lewis
Beyond the hut the track follows the Maruia River, and in 20 to 30 minutes you're rewar-
ded with your first alpine scene when you emerge from the beech forest into a meadow
dominated to the north by Gloriana Peak (2218m). To the south you can see much of the
valley you just passed through. The track climbs a bush-clad terrace and stays above the
Maruia River - now a rushing stream - for 30 minutes before descending into Ada Pass
Flats , with peaks above it and a bridge at its end.
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