Geography Reference
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(22) Puppet-show in a daimyƍ's residence.
was the annual visit from the head (or Captain) of the Dutch factory (trading post) in Na-
gasaki. This was seen partly as a favor to allow him to escape for a few weeks from his
narrow quarters, and partly, of course, as an opportunity to acquire some curious foreign
gifts. In 1691 a German doctor, Engelbert Kaempfer, was physician to the Dutch, and went
with them to Edo. He has left a vivid description of his journey, and of his audiences with
the Shogun. The first of these was formal, but, says, Kaempfer, for their second audience
they were
their heels. The hall of audience was just as I represented it in the Figure hereunto
annexed ( 23 ) . It consisted of several rooms, looking towards a middle place, some
of which were laid open towards the same, others covered by screens and lattices.
Some were of 15 mats, others of 18, and they were a mat higher or lower, accord-
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