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manisonhiswaytodeath,andcravesasalastfavoracup of sake fromyourhand,”sothat
the girl would have to produce a bribe to avoid doing this distasteful service. Actually the
“non-humans” were almost without protectors, and, apart from those employed officially,
instead of gathered up into a queue. A warrior in a nasty mood, or perhaps having a new
sword to try out, could cut them down without compunction or fear of reprisal.
In a regulated society, however, no person can be left unorganized, and this was true
even of the lowest rank of society formed by the “non-humans.” In Edo they were re-
gistered, according to the district in which they lived, with a leader. The most important
was Kuruma Zen'ichi, a name that went byheredity with the leadership. Legend had it that
spared on condition that he became the head of the “non-humans.”
The hinin might in certain cases be restored to humanity, as a reward for duties well
performed, going through a form of ritual cleansing to achieve this rehabilitation. The eta
had no way out of their predicament, being doomed by birth to their outcast status. They,
too, were organized, and their head in Edo had the hereditary name of Danzaemon. Eta
were considered as somewhat superior to hinin, and their leader was more important than
Zen'ichi. They were marked off by their trade, being concerned with the disposal of an-
imal carcasses, with their skins, and with the leather goods made from them. They lived
in certain quarters of towns, or in separate settlements in the country, and could be quite
prosperous and live comfortable lives, but it was a crime for them to conceal their origins,
or to move from the restricted areas where they resided.
“non-humans” appear to have been absorbed almost immediately into the ordinary world,
but the eta have taken longer to disappear. Their name is no longer used, except historic-
ally, but their descendants are still identified by some members of society and would find
it difficult, for example, to marry into a conservative family.
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