HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
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Exiting full-screen mode
Now that the full screen has a pleasant dark-blue background in all browsers, the next issue
to consider is what happens when the user exits full-screen mode by hitting Esc. In a more
complex app, you may want to pause an activity or take the opportunity to switch to a dif-
ferent mode of interaction. To do this, listen to the fullscreenchange event. Our next
listing has some example code.
Listing I.25. Add a listener to the fullscreenchange event
document . addEventListener ( "fullscreenchange" , function () {
console . log ( document . fullscreen );
}, false );
document . addEventListener ( "mozfullscreenchange" , function () {
console . log ( document . mozFullScreen );
}, false );
document . addEventListener ( "webkitfullscreenchange" , function () {
console . log ( document . webkitIsFullScreen );
}, false );
Feel free to experiment with these events further; we're not going to go into any more de-
tail. In the next section, you're going to jump to mobile; to get full advantage you should
have an iPhone or Android device handy.
I.3.4. The Device Orientation API: controlling on-screen movement by tilting a device
The Device Orientation API delivers events to your web page that correspond to the move-
ment of the device. The device can be rotated around three axes; have a look at figure I.14 .
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