HTML and CSS Reference
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Listing I.2. getUserMedia working in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox
Now that you have the stream in the video element, everything else functions as before.
The canvas element grabs frames from the video, mixes them with the telestrator graph-
ics, and outputs the whole thing.
Being able to let a user display a picture of themselves is a cool gimmick. You can probably
see how this could be extended to more practical applications such as snapping photos for
entrance badges. But the main goal of this functionality is to allow you to share a video
stream across the internet, enabling such applications as video chat. The plan for the future
is to combine getUserMedia() with peer-to-peer communication protocols. This will
enable the creation of video conferencing and telephony applications within the browser;
the next section briefly discusses the standard aimed at achieving this, WebRTC (Web Real
Time Communication).
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