HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Browser note: use Chrome or Firefox for this chapter's sample application
Whether or not you're building the engine with us, we recommend that you use Google
Chrome or Firefox's latest version. Other browsers may not support advanced 3D features
or the necessary graphics acceleration. Although browsers may “support” WebGL, “sup-
port” doesn't mean that all features have been implemented.
WebGL for IE?
Want to enable WebGL in older versions of IE? Check out a plug-in called IEWebGL ( ht-
tp:// ) . It provides support for IE 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Because it's a downloaded
executable, you can present it to users when they're using IE. Keep in mind that it doesn't
work with our demo, but it works great with libraries like Three.js (see the site for a com-
plete list).
We've broken the engine-building work into seven steps to help you follow along and see
the big picture:
• Step 1: Review/create the JavaScript code base and index.html.
• Step 2: Create style.css.
• Step 3: Implement time-saving scripts.
• Step 4: Create base engine logic.
• Step 5: Manage entity storage.
• Step 6: Create shape entities with 3D data.
• Step 7: Add reusable methods that speed up programming and make files easier to
Let's get started.
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