HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Code and progress check
You've integrated several different code snippets throughout this chapter. Double-check in-
dex.html against the following listing to verify that you've properly set up your SVG code.
Listing 7.6. index.html—Welcome screen
<g id="screenWelcome">
<text id = "title1" x= "110" y= "137" > SVG </text>
<text id = "title2" x= "115" y= "200" > ALIENS </text>
<image x= "200" y= "230" width = "25" height = "19" xlink:href= "ufo.svg" />
<text x= "233" y= "247" > = 1pt </text>
<image x= "185" y= "270" width = "40" height = "20"
xlink:href= "mothership.svg" />
<text x= "233" y= "287" > = 30pts </text>
<text x= "145" y= "328" > +1 </text>
<path class="ship" d="M 175 312 m 0 15 l 9 5 h 17 l 9 -5 l -2 -5
l -10 3 l -6 -15 l -6 15 l -10 -3 l -2 5" />
<text x= "217" y= "328" > life = 100pts </text>
<text id = "more" x= "130" y= "400" >
<animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity" from="0"
to="1" dur="5s" />
Click To Play
After a browser refresh, your screen should look identical to the Welcome screen shown in
figure 7.5 .
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