HTML and CSS Reference
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Step 1: Configure the web server to serve application manifest fi- iles for My Tasks
If you're using the Apache web server, you can typically add MIME types by either modi-
fying the httpd.conf configuration file or by serving an .htaccess file in the root of your web
application. If you're using Python's built-in web server, then create an .htaccess file in the
root directory of your web application, and then add the MIME type to the .htaccess file.
In either case, to serve the correct MIME type for files with the extension .appcache, you
need to add the following line to the end of the configuration or .htaccess file:
addType text/cache-manifest .appcache
A cache manifest file can have any file extension, but the file must be served with the
MIME type text/cache-manifest .
If you're using the nginx web server, you add MIME types by adding an entry to the
mime.types file in the nginx conf directory. This file typically has the following format:
types {
text/html html htm shtml;
text/css css;
text/xml xml;
To enable the cache manifest MIME type, add an entry to this file as follows:
text/cache-manifest appcache;
After editing the configuration file, restart your web server, and your cache manifest file
should be served correctly from now on. If you're using another web server, please consult
your web server's documentation for further information on how to add MIME types.
With the web server configured correctly, you're now ready to create a cache manifest file,
which we'll cover next.
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