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Rabbit ventricle
Rat ventricle
200 ms
100 ms
Fig. 5 Measurements of [Ca 2 þ ] o with double-barreled Ca 2 þ -selective MEs during single steady state
contractions in (A) rabbit and (B) rat ventricular muscle (0.5 Hz, 30 C). The [Ca 2 þ ] o and tension are
shown in the absence and presence of 10 mM citrate (which limits [Ca 2 þ ] o depletion by bu V ering
[Ca 2 þ ] o . Bath [Ca 2 þ ] o ¼ 0.5 mM (dotted line). Data was from Shattock & Bers, (1989) , as presented in
Bers (2001) (with permission).
2. Measuring Extracellular [Ca 2 þ ] with Double-Barreled MEs
Double-barreled Ca 2 þ MEs can record rapid changes in extracellular [Ca 2 þ ]
([Ca 2 þ ] o ) between cells in multicellular preparations such as isolated cardiac tra-
beculae ( Bers, 1983, 1985, 1987; Bers and MacLeod, 1986; Shattock and Bers,
1989 ). Figure 5 A shows that one can detect small [Ca 2 þ ] o depletions during
individual steady state rabbit cardiac action potentials and contractions. More-
over, when [Ca 2 þ ] o is bu
er citrate these depletions
can be suppressed. Note that these [Ca 2 þ ] o depletions reflect net cellular Ca 2 þ
influx (in excess of e
ered by the low a
nity fast bu
ux) early in the contraction and net Ca 2 þ e
ux later in the
contraction, such that [Ca 2 þ ] o returns to the bath level. In cardiac myocytes the
depletion is driven mainly by Ca 2 þ influx via Ca 2 þ channel current and to some
extent by Na þ /Ca 2 þ exchange (which can mediate Ca 2 þ influx at positive E m when
[Ca 2 þ ] i is low). As [Ca 2 þ ] i rises in the cell during the heartbeat because of Ca 2 þ
entry and SR Ca 2 þ release, it causes enhanced Ca 2 þ e
ux (mainly via Na þ /Ca 2 þ
exchange in cardiac myocytes), and this allows [Ca 2 þ ] o to recover. Note that action
potential repolarization greatly enhances the driving force for Ca 2 þ e
ux via Na þ /
Ca 2 þ exchange, further enhancing the recovery of [Ca 2 þ ] o to the bath level.
In rat ventricular muscle the [Ca 2 þ ] o signals are remarkably di
erent ( Fig. 5 B).
In the rat there is only a very brief phase of [Ca 2 þ ] o depletion (for
20 ms), which
gives way to a large rise in [Ca 2 þ ] o during the contraction. At first this result
seemed surprising in light of the rabbit results in Fig. 5 A. However, when we
consider the di
erences in action potential shape and that [Na þ ] i is higher in rat
ventricular myocytes ( Shattock and Bers, 1989 ), the explanation became clear. The
rat (and mouse) ventricle exhibit very short action potential duration compared to
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