Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
A Practical Guide to the Preparation of
Ca 2 þ Bu
Donald M. Bers, * Chris W. Patton, a nd Richard Nuccitelli
*Department of Pharmacology
University of California, Davis
School of Medicine Davis, California, USA
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University, Pacific Grove
California, USA
BioElectroMed Corp.
Burlingame, California, USA
I. Introduction
II. Rationale
A. Which Ca 2 þ Bu V er Should You Use?
B. EGTA: The Workhorse of Biological Ca 2 þ Chelators
C. BAPTA Family of Ca 2 þ Bu V ers
III. Methods
A. Basic Mathematical Relationships
B. Temperature, Ionic Strength, and pH Corrections
IV. Materials
A. [Ca 2 þ ] Measurement and Calibration Solutions
B. Preparing Bu V er Solution
C. Software Programs
V. Discussion and Summary
Calcium (Ca 2 þ ) is a critical regulator of an immense array of biological
processes, and the intracellular [Ca 2 þ ] that regulates these processes is
lower than the extracellular [Ca 2 þ ]. To study and understand these myriad Ca 2 þ -
dependent functions requires control and measurement of [Ca 2 þ ] in the nano- to
micromolar range (where contaminating Ca 2 þ is a significant problem). As with
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