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photolyzable diazoketones. Absorption of one photon increases the Ca 2 þ a
from 89 to 2.2 m M (with a 10% probability of producing a side-product with one
inactivated group). Absorption of two photons (with a probability assumed to
equal the square of the probability of one group absorbing one photon, and with a
measured quantum e
ciency of 0.015) results in further increase of the a
nity to
55 nM, a total increase of 1600-fold. This large increase in a
nity is, to some
extent, o
set by the small fraction of diazo-4 that can be doubly photolyzed
readily. Thus, a flash of light produces a variety of species: unphotolyzed, singly
photolyzed, doubly photolyzed, singly inactivated, doubly inactivated, and singly
photolyzed-singly inactivated, with a variety of transition probabilities among
species ( Fryer and Zucker, 1993 ). Unphotolyzed diazo-4 is highly absorbent
(46,000 M 1 cm 1 at 371 nm for the free form; about 4600 M 1 cm 1 for the
Ca 2 þ -bound form). The singly photolyzed species have absorbances of half these
values and doubly photolyzed diazo-4 has negligible absorbance at this wave-
length. Inactivation causes little change in absorbance.
A third member of this series, diazo-3, has a diazoketone attached to half the
cation-coordinating structure of BAPTA, and has negligible Ca 2 þ a
On photolysis, diazo-3 produces the photochemical intermediates of diazo-2 plus
a proton, and may be used to control for these e
ects of photolysis of the diazo
series. At one time, diazo-2 and diazo-3 (but not diazo-4) were commercially
available (Molecular Probes, Eugene, and Oregon), but these stocks appear to
have been exhausted.
B. Calculating E V ects of Photolysis
As for the nitr compounds, equilibration is faster than photolysis, so a flash of
light leads to a smooth step transition in the concentration of Ca 2 þ chelator
species. If the percentage of photolysis caused by a light flash is known, the
proportions of photolyzed and inactivated diazo-2, or of the six species of diazo-
4, can be calculated. Usually, diazo is injected without any added Ca 2 þ , so the
ers is to reduce the [Ca 2 þ ] i from its resting value. This
change can be calculated only if the total Ca 2 þ bound to the native bu
ect of photoreleased bu
er in
cytoplasm as well as the characteristics of that bu
er are known. These character-
istics often can be inferred from available measurements on cytoplasmic Ca 2 þ
er power and the normal resting [Ca 2 þ ] i level. The more usual application of
these substances is to reduce the e
ect of a physiologically imposed rise in [Ca 2 þ ] i .
In many cases, the magnitude of the source of this Ca 2 þ is known, as in the case of
aCa 2 þ influx measured as a Ca 2 þ current under voltage clamp or the influx
through single channels estimated from single channel conductances. Also, the
magnitude of the total Ca 2 þ increase in a response can be estimated frommeasured
increases in [Ca 2 þ ]; and estimates of cytoplasmic bu
ering. With this information,
the expected e
ect of newly formed diazo photoproducts on a physiological rise in
[Ca 2 þ ] i can be calculated by solving di
usion equations that are appropriate for the
distribution of Ca 2 þ sources before and after changing the composition of the
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