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processes, all of which are di
cult to estimate or control. Thus, quantification of
changes in [Ca 2 þ ] i is not easy to achieve.
The situation may be simplified by perfusing cells with Ca 2 þ -DM-nitrophen
solutions while dialyzing out Mg 2 þ and mobiles endogenous bu
ers ( Neher and
Zucker, 1993; Thomas et al., 1993 ). Of course, this procedure will not work in
studies of cell processes requiring Mg 2 þ -ATP or if perfusion through whole-cell
patch pipettes is not possible.
Another consequence of Mg 2 þ binding by DM-nitrophen is that cytoplasmic
Mg 2 þ may displace Ca 2 þ from DM-nitrophen early in the injection or perfusion
procedure, leading to a transient rise in [Ca 2 þ ] i before su
cient DM-nitrophen is
introduced into the cell ( Neher and Zucker, 1993; Parsons et al., 1996; Thomas
et al., 1993 ). Such a ''loading transient'' was accurately predicted from models of
changes of the concentrations of total [Ca 2 þ ] i , [Mg 2 þ ] i, ATP, native bu
er, and
DM-nitrophen during filling from a whole-cell patch electrode (R. S. Zucker,
unpublished). Since this process may have important physiological consequences,
controlling it is important. The process may be eliminated largely by separating the
Ca 2 þ -DM-nitrophen-filling solution in the pipette from the cytoplasm by an
intermediate column of neutral solution [such as dilute EGTA or BAPTA] in the
tip of the pipette, which allows most of the Mg 2 þ to escape from the cell before the
DM-nitrophen begins to enter. Then most of the loading transient occurs within
the tip of the pipette.
One method of better controlling the change in [Ca 2 þ ] i in DM-nitrophen experi-
ments is to fill cells with a mixture of Ca 2 þ -DM-nitrophen and another weak Ca 2 þ
er such as N-hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEEDTA) or l,3-
diaminopropan-2-ol-tetraacetic acid (DPTA) ( Neher and Zucker, 1993 ). These
tetracarboxylate Ca 2 þ chelators have Ca 2 þ a
nities in the micromolar or tens of
micromolar range. If cells are filled with such a mixture without Mg 2 þ , the initial
Ca 2 þ level can be set by saturating the DM-nitrophen and adding appropriate
Ca 2 þ to the other bu
er. Then photolysis of DM-nitrophen releases its Ca 2 þ onto
er; the final Ca 2 þ can be calculated from the final bu
the other bu
er mixture in
the same fashion as for the nitr compounds. Since all the constituent a
nities are
highly pH dependent, a large amount of pH bu
er (e.g., 100 mM) should be
included in the perfusion solution, and the pH of the final solution adjusted
The kinetic behavior of DM-nitrophen and the NP-EGTAs is much more
complex than their equilibrium reactions. Photolysis proceeds rapidly (
and 2 ms for DM-nitrophen, 2 m s for NP-EGTA), but the on-rate of Ca 2 þ binding
is much slower, about 20 mM 1 ms 1 ( Ellis-Davies, 2003; Faas et al., 2005, 2007 ).
This characteristic has particularly interesting consequences for partial photolysis
of partially Ca 2 þ -loaded chelator. A flash of light will release some Ca 2 þ , which
initially will be totally free. If the remaining unphotolyzed and unbound chelator
concentration exceeds that of the released Ca 2 þ , this Ca 2 þ will rebind, displacing
H þ within milliseconds and producing a brief [Ca 2 þ ] i ''spike'' ( Ellis-Davies et al.,
1996; Grell et al., 1989; Kaplan, 1990; McCray et al., 1992 ), followed by a near-step
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