Biology Reference
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presumably with an on-rate similar to that of the other EGTA derivatives. Ca 2 þ
nity drops sharply to
1 mM on photolysis with time constants of 14 and
ciency (0.7) and absorbance (18,400 M 1 cm 1 ) are extremely
high, as is the change in Ca 2 þ a
520 m s. Quantum e
nity (10,000-fold at pH 7.2), making this a very
attractive candidate for future-caged Ca 2 þ research.
B. Calculating Changes in [Ca ] i
Calculating [Ca 2 þ ] i changes on photolysis of NP-EGTA and its congeners is
similar to that for the nitr compounds (if the pH dependence of binding constants
is ignored), since Mg 2 þ binding is not an issue. Since the chelators' Ca 2 þ a
nities is
similar to resting cytoplasmic [Ca 2 þ ] i levels, filling cells with a half-Ca 2 þ -loaded
chelator will not disturb [Ca 2 þ ] i but can release substantial amounts of Ca 2 þ
However, except for NDBF-EGTA, the low absorbance usually limits flash pho-
tolysis to at most about 20%.
Quantifying changes in [Ca 2 þ ] i caused by photolysis is much more di
1 mM) which will be reduced about 100-fold by the cell's endogenous bu
cult for
DM-nitrophen. The initial level of [Ca 2 þ ] i before photolysis depends upon the total
concentrations of Mg 2 þ ,Ca 2 þ , DM-nitrophen, ATP, and native Ca 2 þ bu
because at least two bu
ers (DM-nitrophen and endogenous bu
ers) compete
for Ca 2 þ , two bu
ers (ATP and DM-nitrophen) compete for Mg 2 þ , and, after
partial photolysis, both cations also bind to the two photoproducts. Calculating
equilibrium Ca 2 þ levels involves simultaneous solution of at least six nonlinear
er equations ( Delaney and Zucker, 1990 ), which is a tedious chore at best.
Also, the various dissociation constants depend on ionic strength, and have been
measured only at 150 mM. The high a
nity of DM-nitrophen for Ca 2 þ might
ering of Ca 2 þ in cytoplasm, but this idea is misleading.
A solution of DM-nitrophen that is 50% saturated with Ca 2 þ will hold the free
[Ca 2 þ ] i at 7 nM at pH 7.2; this action will be independent of the total DM-
nitrophen concentration. However, 5 mM DM-nitrophen with 2.5 mM Ca 2 þ and
5mMMg 2 þ will bu
appear to dominate the bu
er free [Ca 2 þ ] i to about 2 m M; now doubling all concentra-
tions results in a final [Ca 2 þ ] i of around 5 m M. Since the total [Mg 2 þ ] i available, as
free or weakly bound to ATP, is several millimolar, partially Ca 2 þ -loaded DM-
nitrophen may bring the resting Ca 2 þ level to a surprisingly high level. Because the
solution is still bu
ered, this [Ca 2 þ ] may be reduced only gradually by pumps and
uptake, but eventually Ca 2 þ will be pumped o
the DM-nitrophen until the [Ca 2 þ ] i
is restored to its normal level. Then photolysis may lead to only tiny jumps in
[Ca 2 þ ] i . However, if a large amount of Ca 2 þ -loaded-DM-nitrophen is introduced
into a cell relative to the total [Mg 2 þ ] i ,Ca 2 þ can be bu
ered to low levels while
photolysis can release a large amount. In fact, if enough DM-nitrophen is intro-
duced into cells with no added Ca 2 þ , it may gradually absorb Ca 2 þ from cytoplasm
and intracellular stores and photolysis can produce a substantial jump in [Ca 2 þ ] i .
Therefore, both resting and the postphotolysis levels of Ca 2 þ may vary over very
wide ranges, depending on [DM-nitrophen] i , [Mg 2 þ ] i , and cellular [Ca 2 þ ] i control
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