Biology Reference
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The latest addition to the nitr-like class of compounds based on BAPTA is
Azid-1 ( Adams et al., 1997 ). This compound was derived from the high-a
fluorescent indicator derivative of BAPTA, fura-2, by addition of an azido substit-
uent to fura's benzofuran-3 position. Unlike fura-2, neither this compound nor its
photoproducts are fluorescent; and unlike the other nitr compounds and the
dimethoxynitrophenyl class of Ca 2 þ chelators (see below), it relies on the photo-
sensitivity of an aromatic azide rather than a nitrobenzyl group. UV absorption
peaking at 372 nm (342 nm for the Ca 2 þ -bound form) probably leads to formation
of a nitrene which steals hydrogen from water to produce an amidine, which with
another hydrogen converts to a nitrenium that rapidly combines with water to
form an amidinium that reacts with OH to produce the final low-a
nity electron-
withdrawing benzofurane-3-one photoproduct plus ammonia. Thus, photolysis
absorbs one net proton and produces one molecule of ammonia for each molecule
of azid-1 photolyzed, which can lead to an elevation of pH i in weakly bu
ered cells.
This disadvantage is counterbalanced by substantial advantages. Photolysis of
both Ca 2 þ -bound and Ca 2 þ -free forms of zaid-1 is phenomenally e
1), and azid-1 is very UV-dark, absorbing at 33,000 M 1 cm 1 when
Ca 2 þ -bound (or 27,000 M 1 cm 1 when free); these factors combine to make it
250-300 times more sensitive to light than nitr-5! Moreover, its Ca 2 þ -a
nity drops
from 230 nM to 120 m M, on photolysis, a change that is 12 times the change in nitr-
nity on photolysis. Like the nitr compounds, it hardly binds Mg 2 þ at all
(K D ¼
8 mM), and its Ca 2 þ -binding (
10 9 M 1 s 1 ) and photolysis rates (
2 m s)
are equally rapid. In most respects, azid-1 comes closest to the ideal-caged Ca 2 þ
compound. Unfortunately, its synthesis is quite di
t <
cult, and it has never been
commercially available; at present, apparently none exists at all.
B. Calculating [Ca ] i Changes in Cells
If nitr-5 or azid-1 is photolyzed partially by a flash of light, the reduction in Ca 2 þ
nity of a portion of the chelator occurs within
0.3 ms. During this period of
photolysis, low-a
nity bu
er is being formed and high-a
nity bu
er is vanishing
while the total amount of Ca 2 þ remains unchanged. As the bu
er concentrations
change, Ca 2 þ ions reequilibrate among the new bu
er concentrations by shifting
from the newly formed low-a
nity photoproduct to the remaining unphotolyzed
limit (as calculated from Adams et al., 1988 ; see also Ashley et al., 1991b ), this
equilibration occurs much faster than photolysis, and Ca 2 þ remains in quasi-
equilibrium throughout the photolysis period. The [Ca 2 þ ] i in a cell rises smoothly
in a step-like fashion over a period of 0.3 ms from the low level determined by the
initial concentrations of total Ca 2 þ , and unphotolyzed chelator to a higher level
determined by the final concentrations of all the chelator species after partial
photolysis. At least in the case of nitr-5, [Ca 2 þ ] i remains under the control of the
low- and high-a
nity caging chelator. Since the on-rate of binding is close to the di
nity species, so the elevated Ca 2 þ is removed only gradually by
extrusion and uptake into organelles. Thus, nitr-5 and azid-1 are well suited to
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