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probability density functions (pdfs) ( Fig. 4 C). Mean current amplitudes are plotted
against the corresponding applied potentials to create I-V curves (see Fig. 5 ).
The unitary conductance ( g ) and reversal potentials (E rev ) are derived by
linear least-square regression analysis using statistical package such as Prism 5
(GraphPad Software, Inc.) or Origin Pro 7.5 (OriginLab Corporation).
Because g is a fundamental property of any ion channel, reflecting interactions
between permeating ions and the residues that form the pore and lead to it, I-V
relationships are often used as ''fingerprints'' to help identify channels. With K þ as
charge carrier, the I-V relationships of mammalian IP 3 R in excised nuclear patches
from DT40-KO cells are linear across a range of applied potentials (
60 to
60 mV) ( Fig. 5 ). From the slopes of these I-V plots, we have consistently
observed two populations of IP 3 R with unitary K þ conductances ( g K ) of either
200 pS ( Dellis et al., 2006; Rahman and Taylor, 2009; Rahman et al.,
2009 )( Fig. 5 B). Neither current was detected in the nuclear envelope of DT40-KO
cells or from DT40-KO cells stably expressing IP 3 R in the absence of IP 3 ,orwith
IP 3 in the presence of a competitive antagonist. These values of g K are lower than
reported (
120 or
320-360 pS) for IP 3 R in the nuclear envelope of mammalian cells
( Foskett et al., 2007 ), but there is wide variation in published values (from
480 pS) ( Cheung et al., 2010; Rahman and Taylor, 2009 ). The reason for these
disparities is unresolved, but it may reflect variable amounts of free Mg 2 þ in PS
causing a reduction in g K ( Mak and Foskett, 1998; Rahman and Taylor, 2009 ).
It is, however, clear from analyses of I-V relationships that all IP 3 R have a large g
for monovalent cations and lesser g for bivalent cations ( Dellis et al., 2006; Foskett
et al., 2007 )( Fig. 5 B).
20 pA
I (pA)
500 ms
+60 mV
+40 mV
V (mV)
40 mV
60 mV
Fig. 5 Current-voltage relationship for nuclear IP 3 R. (A) Currents were recorded from lumen-out
patches excised from the nucleus of DT40-KO cells stably expressing IP 3 R3. PS included IP 3 (10 m M),
ATP (5 mM), and a free [Ca 2 þ ]of 200 nM. K þ was the charge-carrier and the holding potential was
varied between þ 60 and 60 mV as shown. C denotes the closed state. (B) From the slope of the
current-voltage (I-V) relationship, g was 208 pS. Results are means SEM, n ¼ 4.
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