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a natural tendency to regard the relative change in intensity as reflecting an
equivalent relative change in [Ca 2 þ ]. For example, a doubling of intensity relative
to baseline (F/F 0 ¼
1) is often used to infer a doubling of [Ca 2 þ ]. Such
an inference should never be made because it is always incorrect. A quantitative
analysis is presented below.
As shown in Appendix 2 , the total fluorescence, F T , emitted by a solution of
Ca 2 þ indicator is governed by the expression
2or D F/F 0 ¼
F T / Q CaIn e CaIn f CaIn þ Q In e In 1
f CaIn
ciencies of the Ca 2 þ -bound
and Ca 2 þ -free forms of the indicator, respectively, e CaIn and e In are the extinction
where Q CaIn and Q In are the fluorescence quantum e
cients of the two forms of the indicator at the excitation wavelength, and f CaIn
is the fraction of the indicator that is in the Ca 2 þ -bound form. Knowing that
f CaIn ¼
[Ca 2 þ ]/([Ca 2 þ ]
þ K d ), we can rewrite the expression to show its dependence
on [Ca 2 þ ] more explicitly:
Ca 2 þ
F T / Q In e In þ Q CaIn e CaIn Q In e In
þ K d
Ca 2 þ
The only variable in the expression is [Ca 2 þ ]; all other parameters, being intrinsic
characteristics of a particular indicator, are constants. The above expression shows
that whereas [Ca 2 þ ] can range from 0 to any arbitrary positive value, the total
fluorescence, F T is bounded. This behavior is shown in Fig. 13 . When [Ca 2 þ ]
0, all
of the indicator is Ca 2 þ -free, and the fluorescence has a minimum value that
depends on the intrinsic brightness (Q In e In ) of the Ca 2 þ -free form of the indicator.
At saturating [Ca 2 þ ] ([Ca 2 þ ]
K d ), all of the indicator is Ca 2 þ -bound, and the
fluorescence has a maximum value that depends on the intrinsic brightness
(Q CaIn e CaIn ) of the Ca 2 þ -bound form of the indicator. Once the indicator molecules
are saturated, further increasing [Ca 2 þ ] brings no increase in fluorescence. There-
fore, as can be seen from Eq. (4) and Fig. 13 , fluorescence intensity is a nonlinear
function of [Ca 2 þ ]. This nonlinearity is the reason that a relative change in indica-
tor fluorescence does not imply an equal relative change in [Ca 2 þ ]. Figure 13 shows
that the discrepancy depends on the extent to which the indicator is already bound
to Ca 2 þ : Starting from a relatively low [Ca 2 þ ], increasing [Ca 2 þ ] by an increment,
D Ca 1 , results in a fluorescence increase, D F 1 . From the now-higher [Ca 2 þ ], a
further identical increment of D Ca 2 (
¼D Ca 1 ) brings a much smaller fluorescence
increase, D F 2 .
The error in using relative fluorescence changes to infer relative [Ca 2 þ ] changes
can be analyzed quantitatively for a specific example. Fluo-4 is a nonratiometric
indicator that is commonly used with 488-nm excitation. The extinction coe
binding Ca 2 þ
of Fluo-4
few percent
77,000 M 1 cm 1 at 488 nm); the Ca 2 þ -bound form is at least 100
times more fluorescent than the Ca 2 þ -free form (Q CaIn ¼
( e In e CaIn ¼
0.14, Q In
0.0014); and
345 nM. The quantitative relationship between [Ca 2 þ ] and fluorescence can
K d ¼
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