Biology Reference
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Time (min)
Fig. 11 Procedure for in situ calibration of intracellular Fura-2. (A) Fluorescence intensity traces
acquired at 340- and 380-nm excitation. Time marker arrow correspond to (1) addition of 50 nM
vasopressin; (2) exchange into Ca 2 þ -free phosphate-bu V ered saline (PBS) containing 10 mM MgCl 2 ,
2 mM EGTA, pH 7.4; (3) addition of 10 m M ionomycin; (4) exchange into nominally Ca 2 þ -free saline,
pH 7.4; (5) addition of 10 m M ionomycin þ 20 mM CaCl 2 ; and (6) 20 m M digitonin. Dotted lines mark
fluorescence levels corresponding to various parameters discussed in Section V.B . (a.u. = arbitrary
units). (B) F 340 /F 380 ratio trace derived from the data in (A). Dotted lines mark R min and R max (0.566 and
16.6, respectively, in this experiment). The parameter s f,2 /s b,2 is 10.7. Inset. The portion of the trace from
20 to 118 min at higher resolution on the vertical scale to reveal the gradualness with which R min is
approached. (C) [Ca 2 þ ] i trace derived from the ratio trace by using Eq. (2) in Section V.B . Only the first
40 min of the experiment are shown. This REF52 cell was incubated with 1 m M Fura-2 AM in Pluronic
dispersion in HBSS for 90 min at 25 C before being transferred to fresh HBSS for measurement.
Elevation of [Ca 2 þ ] i by ionophore can lead to rapid cell lysis and loss of indica-
tor, sometimes before R max can be determined confidently. Almost paradoxically,
raising the extracellular [Ca 2 þ ] to 10-30 mM (rather than just a few mM) in this
procedure appears, in some cases, to have a protective e
ect on cell structure so
lysis is deferred and R max can be reached. If high extracellular [Ca 2 þ ] is used, the
medium should be free of phosphate salts, bicarbonate/carbonate, and even sul-
fate, since these ions can form precipitates with Ca 2 þ .
Typical data from an experiment performed on a REF52 cell loaded with Fura-
2 are shown in Fig. 11 . Shown in Fig. 11 A are the two raw data traces, F 0 340 and
F 0 380 , collected when the cell is excited alternately with 340-nm and 380-nm light.
The fluorescence signals measured after digitonin permeabilization are the back-
ground intensities, BG 340 and BG 380 , that must be subtracted from the respective
to yield the
F 340 and
F 380
F 340 ¼ F 0 340
BG 340 and
F 380 ¼ F 0 380
BG 380 ). The ratio trace is
simply a point-by-point division,
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