Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.13 A cable-stayed bridge ( ) .
Figure 1.14 A suspension bridge ( ).
longitudinally or transversely, or in both directions. The orthotropic deck
may be supported straightaway on the main structural system such as plate
girder and truss or supported on a cross girder transmitting the load to the
main structural system.
Steel and steel-concrete composite bridges can also be classified accord-
ing to the position of the carriageway relative to the main structural system
to deck bridges , through bridge , semi-through bridge , and pony bridge . Deck bridges
are the bridges having their carriageway (highway or railway) resting on top
of the main structural system as shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2 and the high-
way bridge in Figure 1.3 . Through bridges are the bridges having their car-
riageway resting on the bottom level of the main structural system and the
top level of the main structural system is above the carriage as shown for the
railway bridge in Figure 1.3 . In this case, a top-bracing system can be
installed at the top level of the main structural system. Semi-through bridges
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