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New node contains element e
F IGURE 26.9
The nodes along the path from the new leaf node may become unbalanced.
For the AVL tree in Figure  26.6a, show the new AVL tree after adding element
50 . What rotation do you perform in order to rebalance the tree? Which node was
For the AVL tree in Figure  26.6a, show the new AVL tree after adding element
80 . What rotation do you perform in order to rebalance the tree? Which node was
For the AVL tree in Figure  26.6a, show the new AVL tree after adding element
89 . What rotation do you perform in order to rebalance the tree? Which node was
26.5 Implementing Rotations
An unbalanced tree becomes balanced by performing an appropriate rotation operation.
Section 26.2, Rebalancing Trees, illustrated how to perform rotations at a node. Listing 26.2
gives the algorithm for the LL rotation, as illustrated in Figure 26.2.
LL Rotation Algorithm
1 balanceLL(TreeNode A, TreeNode parentOfA) {
2 Let B be the left child of A.
4 if (A is the root)
5 Let B be the new root
6 else {
7 if (A is a left child of parentOfA)
8 Let B be a left child of parentOfA;
9 else
10 Let B be a right child of parentOfA;
11 }
13 Make T2 the left subtree of A by assigning B.right to A.left;
14 Make A the right child of B by assigning A to B.right;
15 Update the height of node A and node B;
16 } // End of method
left child of A
reconnect B's parent
move subtrees
adjust height
Note that the height of nodes A and B can be changed, but the heights of other nodes in the
tree are not changed. You can implement the RR, LR, and RL rotations in a similar manner.
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