Java Reference
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( Animation: queue ) Write a program to animate the enqueue and dequeue
operations on a queue, as shown in FigureĀ 24.20b.
( Fibonacci number iterator ) Define an iterator class named FibonacciIterator
for iterating Fibonacci numbers. The constructor takes an argument that
specifies the limit of the maximum Fibonacci number. For example, new
FibonacciIterator(23302) creates an iterator that iterates Fibonacci num-
bers less than or equal to 23302 . Write a test program that uses this iterator to
display all Fibonacci numbers less than or equal to 100000 .
( Prime number iterator ) Define an iterator class named PrimeIterator for iter-
ating prime numbers. The constructor takes an argument that specifies the limit
of the maximum prime number. For example, new PrimeIterator(23302)
creates an iterator that iterates prime numbers less than or equal to 23302 . Write
a test program that uses this iterator to display all prime numbers less than or
equal to 100000 .
( Test MyArrayList ) Design and write a complete test program to test if the
MyArrayList class in Listing 24.3 meets all requirements.
( Test MyLinkedList ) Design and write a complete test program to test if the
MyLinkedList class in Listing 24.6 meets all requirements.
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