Java Reference
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( Add set operations in MyList ) Define the following methods in MyList and
implement them in MyAbstractList :
/** Adds the elements in otherList to this list.
* Returns true if this list changed as a result of the call */
public boolean addAll(MyList<E> otherList);
/** Removes all the elements in otherList from this list
* Returns true if this list changed as a result of the call */
public boolean removeAll(MyList<E> otherList);
/** Retains the elements in this list that are also in otherList
* Returns true if this list changed as a result of the call */
public boolean retainAll(MyList<E> otherList);
Write a test program that creates two MyArrayList s, list1 and list2 , with
the initial values {"Tom", "George", "Peter", "Jean", "Jane"} and
{"Tom", "George", "Michael", "Michelle", "Daniel"} , then per-
form the following operations:
Invokes list1.addAll(list2) , and displays list1 and list2 .
Recreates list1 and list2 with the same initial values, invokes
list1.removeAll(list2) , and displays list1 and list2 .
Recreates list1 and list2 with the same initial values, invokes
list1.retainAll(list2) , and displays list1 and list2 .
*24.2 ( Implement MyLinkedList ) The implementations of the methods
contains(E e) , get(int index) , indexOf(E e) , lastIndexOf(E e) ,
and set(int index, E e) are omitted in the text. Implement these methods.
*24.3 ( Implement a doubly linked list ) The MyLinkedList class used in Listing 24.6
is a one-way directional linked list that enables one-way traversal of the list.
Modify the Node class to add the new data field name previous to refer to the
previous node in the list, as follows:
public class Node<E> {
E element;
Node<E> next;
Node<E> previous;
public Node(E e) {
element = e;
Implement a new class named TwoWayLinkedList that uses a doubly
linked list to store elements. The MyLinkedList class in the text
extends MyAbstractList . Define TwoWayLinkedList to extend the
java.util.AbstractSequentialList class. You need to implement all the
methods defined in MyLinkedList as well as the methods listIterator()
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