Java Reference
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23.1 Introduction
Sorting algorithms are good examples for studying algorithm design and analysis.
When presidential candidate Barack Obama visited Google in 2007, Google CEO Eric
Schmidt asked Obama the most efficient way to sort a million 32-bit integers (
.com/watch?v=k4RRi_ntQc8 ). Obama answered that the bubble sort would be the wrong way to
go. Was he right? We will examine different sorting algorithms in this chapter and see if he
was correct.
Sorting is a classic subject in computer science. There are three reasons to study sorting
why study sorting?
First, sorting algorithms illustrate many creative approaches to problem solving, and
these approaches can be applied to solve other problems.
Second, sorting algorithms are good for practicing fundamental programming tech-
niques using selection statements, loops, methods, and arrays.
Third, sorting algorithms are excellent examples to demonstrate algorithm
The data to be sorted might be integers, doubles, characters, or objects. Section 7.11, Sorting
Arrays, presented selection sort. The selection sort algorithm was extended to sort an array of
objects in Section 19.5, Case Study: Sorting an Array of Objects. The Java API contains several
overloaded sort methods for sorting primitive type values and objects in the java.util.Arrays
and java.util.Collections classes. For simplicity, this chapter assumes:
what data to sort?
1. data to be sorted are integers,
2. data are stored in an array, and
3. data are sorted in ascending order.
The programs can be easily modified to sort other types of data, to sort in descending order,
or to sort data in an ArrayList or a LinkedList .
There are many algorithms for sorting. You have already learned selection sort. This chap-
ter introduces insertion sort, bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort, bucket sort, radix sort, and
external sort.
23.2 Insertion Sort
The insertion-sort algorithm sorts a list of values by repeatedly inserting a new
element into a sorted sublist until the whole list is sorted.
Figure 23.1 shows how to sort the list { 2 , 9 , 5 , 4 , 8 , 1 , 6 } using insertion sort.
The algorithm can be described as follows:
insertion sort animation on
Companion Website
for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
insert list[i] into a sorted sublist list[0..i-1] so that
list[0..i] is sorted.
To insert list[i] into list[0..i-1] , save list[i] into a temporary variable, say
currentElement . Move list[i-1] to list[i] if list[i-1] > currentElement ,
move list[i-2] to list[i-1] if list[i-2] > currentElement , and so on, until
list[i-k] <= currentElement or k>i (we pass the first element of the sorted list).
Assign currentElement to list[i-k+1] . For example, to insert 4 into { 2 , 5 , 9 } in Step
4 in Figure  23.2, move list[2] ( 9 ) to list[3] since 9>4 , and move list[1] ( 5 ) to
list[2] since 5 > 4 . Finally, move currentElement ( 4 ) to list[1] .
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