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t 1
t 0
t 1
t 0
h 0
t 0
t 1 = h 0
(a) Step 1
(b) Step 2
(c) Repeat Step 2
(d) H is found
F IGURE 22.9
(a) h 0 is the rightmost lowest point in S. (b) Step 2 finds point t 1 . (c) A convex hull is expanded repeatedly.
(d) A convex hull is found when t 1 becomes h 0 .
Step 2: Let t 1 be s 0 .
For every point p in S ,
if p is on the right side of the direct line from t 0 to t 1 , then
let t 1 be p .
(After Step 2, no points lie on the right side of the direct line from t 0
to t 1 , as shown in Figure 22.9b.)
Step 3: If t 1 is h 0 (see Figure 22.9d), the points in H form a convex
hull for S . Otherwise, add t 1 to H , let t 0 be t 1 , and go back to Step 2
(see Figure 22.9c).
The convex hull is expanded incrementally. The correctness is supported by the fact that no
points lie on the right side of the direct line from t 0 to t 1 after Step 2. This ensures that every
line segment with two points in S falls inside the polygon.
Finding the rightmost lowest point in Step 1 can be done in O ( n ) time. Whether a point is
on the left side of a line, right side, or on the line can be determined in O (1) time (see Program-
ming Exercise 3.32). Thus, it takes O ( n ) time to find a new point t 1 in Step 2. Step 2 is repeated
h times, where h is the size of the convex hull. Therefore, the algorithm takes O ( hn ) time. In
the worst-case, h is n .
The implementation of this algorithm is left as an exercise (see Programming Exercise 22.9).
correctness of the algorithm
time complexity of the
22.10.2 Graham's Algorithm
A more efficient algorithm was developed by Ronald Graham in 1972, as shown in Listing 22.13.
L ISTING 22.13
Finding a Convex Hull Using Graham's
Step 1: Given a list of points S , select the rightmost lowest point and
name it p 0 . As shown in Figure 22.10a, p 0 is such a point.
p 2
p 1
p 2
p 3
p 3
p 2
p 1
p 1
p 0
p 0
x -axis
p 0
x -axis
p 0
x -axis
(a) Step 1
(b) Step 2
(c) p 3 into H
(d) p 2 off H
F IGURE 22.10
(a) p 0 is the rightmost lowest point in S. (b) Points are sorted by their angles. (c-d) A convex hull is
discovered incrementally.
Step 2: Sort the points in S angularly along the x-axis with p 0 as the
center, as shown in Figure 22.10b. If there is a tie and two points have
the same angle, discard the one that is closer to p 0 . The points in S are
now sorted as p 0 , p 1 , p 2 , ..., p n-1 .
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