Java Reference
In-Depth Information
+ iterator(): Iterator<E>
Returns an iterator for the elements in this collection.
+ add(o: E): boolean
+ addAll(c: Collection<? extends E>): boolean
+ clear(): void
+ contains(o: Object): boolean
+ containsAll(c: Collection<?>): boolean
+ equals(o: Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ isEmpty(): boolean
+ remove(o: Object): boolean
+ removeAll(c: Collection<?>): boolean
+ retainAll(c: Collection<?>): boolean
+ size(): int
+ toArray(): Object[]
Adds a new element o to this collection.
Adds all the elements in the collection c to this collection.
Removes all the elements from this collection.
Returns true if this collection contains the element o .
Returns true if this collection contains all the elements in c .
Returns true if this collection is equal to another collection o .
Returns the hash code for this collection.
Returns true if this collection contains no elements.
Removes the element o from this collection.
Removes all the elements in c from this collection.
Retains the elements that are both in c and in this collection.
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
Returns an array of Object for the elements in this collection.
+ hasNext(): boolean
+ next(): E
+ remove(): void
Returns true if this iterator has more elements to traverse.
Returns the next element from this iterator.
Removes the last element obtained using the next method.
F IGURE 20.2
The Collection interface contains the methods for manipulating the elements in a collection, and you
can obtain an iterator object for traversing elements in the collection.
.UnsupportedOperationException , a subclass of RuntimeException .
This is a good design that you can use in your project. If a method has no meaning in
the subclass, you can implement it as follows:
unsupported operations
public void someMethod() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
( "Method not supported" );
Listing 20.1 gives an example to use the methods defined in the Collection interface.
1 import java.util.*;
3 public class TestCollection {
4 public static void main(String[] args) {
5 ArrayList<String> collection1 = new ArrayList<>();
6 collection1.add( "New York" );
7 collection1.add( "Atlanta" );
8 collection1.add( "Dallas" );
9 collection1.add( "Madison" );
create an array list
add elements
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