Java Reference
In-Depth Information
19.1 Introduction
Generics enable you to detect errors at compile time rather than at runtime.
You have used a generic class ArrayList in Chapter 11 and generic interface Comparable
in Chapter 13. Generics let you parameterize types. With this capability, you can define a
class or a method with generic types that the compiler can replace with concrete types. For
example, Java defines a generic ArrayList class for storing the elements of a generic type.
From this generic class, you can create an ArrayList object for holding strings and an
ArrayList object for holding numbers. Here, strings and numbers are concrete types that
replace the generic type.
The key benefit of generics is to enable errors to be detected at compile time rather than
at runtime. A generic class or method permits you to specify allowable types of objects that
the class or method can work with. If you attempt to use an incompatible object, the compiler
will detect that error.
This chapter explains how to define and use generic classes, interfaces, and methods and
demonstrates how generics can be used to improve software reliability and readability. It can
be intertwined with Chapter 13, Abstract Classes and Interfaces.
what is generics?
why generics?
19.2 Motivations and Benefits
The motivation for using Java generics is to detect errors at compile time.
Java has allowed you to define generic classes, interfaces, and methods since JDK 1.5. Several
interfaces and classes in the Java API were modified using generics. For example, prior to
JDK 1.5 the java.lang.Comparable interface was defined as shown in Figure 19.1a, but
since JDK 1.5 it is modified as shown in Figure 19.1b.
package java.lang;
package java.lang;
public interface Comparable {
public int compareTo(Object o)
public interface Comparable<T> {
public int compareTo(T o)
(a) Prior to JDK 1.5
(b) JDK 1.5
F IGURE 19.1
The java.lang.Comparable interface was modified in JDK 1.5 with a
generic type
Here, <T> represents a formal generic type , which can be replaced later with an actual
concrete type . Replacing a generic type is called a generic instantiation . By convention, a
single capital letter such as E or T is used to denote a formal generic type.
To see the benefits of using generics, let us examine the code in Figure 19.2. The statement
in Figure 19.2a declares that c is a reference variable whose type is Comparable and invokes
the compareTo method to compare a Date object with a string. The code compiles fine, but
it has a runtime error because a string cannot be compared with a date.
formal generic type
actual concrete type
generic instantiation
Comparable c = new Date();
System.out.println(c.compareTo( "red" ));
Comparable<Date> c = new Date();
System.out.println(c.compareTo( "red" ));
(a) Prior to JDK 1.5
(b) JDK 1.5
F IGURE 19.2
The new generic type detects possible errors at compile time.
The statement in Figure  19.2b declares that c is a reference variable whose type is
Comparable<Date> and invokes the compareTo method to compare a Date object with a
string. This code generates a compile error, because the argument passed to the compareTo
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