Java Reference
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The program enables the user to place or remove a mark on a cell. A path
consists of adjacent unmarked cells. Two cells are said to be adjacent if they
are horizontal or vertical neighbors, but not if they are diagonal neighbors.
The path does not contain cells that form a square. The path in Figure 18.13b,
for example, does not meet this condition. (The condition makes a path easy
to identify on the board.)
( Koch snowflake fractal ) The text presented the Sierpinski triangle fractal. In
this exercise, you will write a program to display another fractal, called the Koch
snowflake , named after a famous Swedish mathematician. A Koch snowflake is
created as follows:
1. Begin with an equilateral triangle, which is considered to be the Koch fractal
of order (or level) 0 , as shown in Figure 18.14a.
2. Divide each line in the shape into three equal line segments and draw an out-
ward equilateral triangle with the middle line segment as the base to create a
Koch fractal of order 1 , as shown in Figure 18.14b.
3. Repeat Step 2 to create a Koch fractal of order 2 , 3 , . . . , and so on, as shown
in Figure 18.14c-d.
F IGURE 18.14
A Koch snowflake is a fractal starting with a triangle.
( Nonrecursive directory size ) Rewrite Listing 18.7,, without
using recursion.
( Number of files in a directory ) Write a program that prompts the user to enter a
directory and displays the number of the files in the directory.
( Find words ) Write a program that finds all occurrences of a word in all the files
under a directory, recursively. Pass the parameters from the command line as
Search a string in a directory
java Exercise18_30 dirName word
( Replace words ) Write a program that replaces all occurrences of a word with a
new word in all the files under a directory, recursively. Pass the parameters from
the command line as follows:
java Exercise18_31 dirName oldWord newWord
( Game: Knight's Tour ) The Knight's Tour is an ancient puzzle. The objective is
to move a knight, starting from any square on a chessboard, to every other square
once, as shown in Figure  18.15a. Note that the knight makes only L-shaped
moves (two spaces in one direction and one space in a perpendicular direc-
tion). As shown in Figure 18.15b, the knight can move to eight squares. Write
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