Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To describe what a recursive method is and the benefits of using
recursion (§18.1).
To develop recursive methods for recursive mathematical functions
To explain how recursive method calls are handled in a call stack
To solve problems using recursion (§18.4).
To use an overloaded helper method to design a recursive method
To implement a selection sort using recursion (§18.5.1).
To implement a binary search using recursion (§18.5.2).
To get the directory size using recursion (§18.6).
To solve the Tower of Hanoi problem using recursion (§18.7).
To draw fractals using recursion (§18.8).
To discover the relationship and difference between recursion and
iteration (§18.9).
To know tail-recursive methods and why they are desirable (§18.10).
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