Java Reference
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I/O can be classified into text I/O and binary I/O . Text I/O interprets data in sequences
of characters. Binary I/O interprets data as raw binary values. How text is stored in a file
depends on the encoding scheme for the file. Java automatically performs encoding and
decoding for text I/O.
The InputStream and OutputStream classes are the roots of all binary I/O
classes.  FileInputStream/FileOutputStream associates a file for input/output.
BufferedInputStream / BufferedOutputStream can be used to wrap any binary
I/O stream to improve performance. DataInputStream / DataOutputStream can be
used to read/write primitive values and strings.
3. ObjectInputStream / ObjectOutputStream can be used to read/write objects in
addition to primitive values and strings. To enable object serialization , the object's
defining class must implement the marker interface.
4. The RandomAccessFile class enables you to read and write data to a file. You can
open a file with the r mode to indicate that it is read-only or with the rw mode to indi-
cate that it is updateable. Since the RandomAccessFile class implements DataInput
and DataOutput interfaces, many methods in RandomAccessFile are the same as
those in DataInputStream and DataOutputStream .
Answer the quiz for this chapter online at .
Section 17.3
*17.1 ( Create a text file ) Write a program to create a file named Exercise17_01.txt if
it does not exist. Append new data to it if it already exists. Write 100 integers
created randomly into the file using text I/O. Integers are separated by a space.
Section 17.4
( Create a binary data file ) Write a program to create a file named
Exercise17_02.dat if it does not exist. Append new data to it if it already exists.
Write 100 integers created randomly into the file using binary I/O.
( Sum all the integers in a binary data file ) Suppose a binary data file named
Exercise17_03.dat has been created and its data are created using
writeInt(int) in DataOutputStream . The file contains an unspecified
number of integers. Write a program to find the sum of the integers.
( Convert a text file into UTF ) Write a program that reads lines of characters from
a text file and writes each line as a UTF-8 string into a binary file. Display the
sizes of the text file and the binary file. Use the following command to run the
java Exercise17_04 Welcome.utf
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