Java Reference
In-Depth Information
When the game starts, what value is in whoseTurn ? When the game is over, what
value is in whoseTurn ?
What happens when the user clicks on an empty cell if the game is not over? What
happens when the user clicks on an empty cell if the game is over?
How does the program check whether a player wins? How does the program check
whether all cells are filled?
16.13 Video and Audio
You can use the Media class to obtain the source of the media, the MediaPlayer
class to play and control the media, and the MediaView class to display the video.
Media (video and audio) is essential in developing rich Internet applications. JavaFX provides
the Media , MediaPlayer , and MediaView classes for working with media. Currently, JavaFX
supports MP3, AIFF, WAV, and MPEG-4 audio formats and FLV and MPEG-4 video formats.
The Media class represents a media source with properties duration , width , and height ,
as shown in Figure 16.30. You can construct a Media object from an Internet URL string.
Use Media, MediaPlayer,
and MediaView
The getter and setter methods for property
values and a getter for property itself are provided
in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.
-duration: ReadOnlyObjectProperty
-width: ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
-height: ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
The durations in seconds of the source media.
The width in pixels of the source video.
The height in pixels of the source video.
+Media(source: String)
Creates a Media from a URL source.
F IGURE 16.30
Media represents a media source such as a video or an audio.
The MediaPlayer class plays and controls the media with properties such as autoPlay ,
currentCount , cycleCount , mute , volume , and totalDuration , as shown in Figure 16.31.
You can construct a MediaPlayer object from a media and use the pause() and play()
method to pause and resume playing.
The getter and setter methods for property
values and a getter for property itself are provided
in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.
-autoPlay: BooleanProperty
-currentCount: ReadOnlyIntegerProperty
-cycleCount: IntegerProperty
-mute: BooleanProperty
-volume: DoubleProperty
Specifies whether the playing should start automatically.
The number of completed playback cycles.
Specifies the number of time the media will be played.
Specifies whether the audio is muted.
The volume for the audio.
The amount of time to play the media from start to finish.
+MediaPlayer(media: Media)
+play(): void
+pause(): void
+seek(): void
Creates a player for a specified media.
Plays the media.
Pauses the media.
Seeks the player to a new playback time.
F IGURE 16.31
MediaPlayer plays and controls a media.
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