Java Reference
In-Depth Information
16.11 Slider
Slider is similar to ScrollBar , but Slider has more properties and can appear in
many forms.
Figure  16.24 shows two sliders. Slider lets the user graphically select a value by sliding
a knob within a bounded interval. The slider can show both major tick marks and minor
tick marks between them. The number of pixels between the tick marks is specified by the
majorTickUnit and minorTickUnit properties. Sliders can be displayed horizontally or
vertically, with or without ticks, and with or without labels.
Use Slider
Vertical slider
Horizontal slider
F IGURE 16.24
The sliders move the message on a pane horizontally and vertically.
The frequently used constructors and properties in Slider are shown in Figure 16.25.
The getter and setter methods for property
values and a getter for property itself are provided
in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.
-blockIncrement: DoubleProperty
-max: DoubleProperty
-min: DoubleProperty
-value: DoubleProperty
-orientation: ObjectProperty<Orientation>
-majorTickUnit: DoubleProperty
-minorTickCount: IntegerProperty
-showTickLabels: BooleanProperty
-showTickMarks: BooleanProperty
The amount to adjust the slider if the track of the bar is clicked (default: 10 ).
The maximum value represented by this slider (default: 100 ).
The minimum value represented by this slider (default: 0 ).
Current value of the slider (default: 0 ).
Specifies the orientation of the slider (default: HORIZONTAL ).
The unit distance between major tick marks.
The number of minor ticks to place between two major ticks.
Specifies whether the labels for tick marks are shown.
Specifies whether the tick marks are shown.
+Slider(min: double, max: double,
value: double)
Creates a default horizontal slider.
Creates a slider with the specified min, max, and value.
F IGURE 16.25
Slider enables the user to select from a range of values.
The values of a vertical scroll bar increase from top to bottom, but the values of a vertical
slider decrease from top to bottom.
You can add a listener to listen for the value property change in a slider in the same way
as in a scroll bar. We now rewrite the program in the preceding section using the sliders to
move a text displayed on a pane in Listing 16.11. A sample run of the program is shown in
Figure 16.24.
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