Java Reference
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TextFieldDemo extends RadioButtonDemo (line 7) and adds a label and a text field to
let the user enter a new text (lines 12-19). After you set a new text in the text field and press
the Enter key, a new message is displayed (line 22). Pressing the Enter key on the text field
triggers an action event.
If a text field is used for entering a password, use PasswordField to replace
TextField . PasswordField extends TextField and hides the input text with
echo characters ****** .
Can you disable editing of a text field?
Can you apply all the methods for TextInputControl to TextField ?
Can you set a node as the graphic property in a text field?
How do you align the text in a text field to the right?
16.7 TextArea
A TextArea enables the user to enter multiple lines of text.
If you want to let the user enter multiple lines of text, you may create several instances of
TextField . A better alternative, however, is to use TextArea , which enables the user to
enter multiple lines of text. Figure 16.13 lists the properties and constructors in TextArea .
The getter and setter methods for property
values and a getter for property itself are provided
in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.
-text: StringProperty
-editable: BooleanProperty
The text content of this control.
Indicates whether the text can be edited by the user.
-prefColumnCount: IntegerProperty
-prefRowCount: IntegerProperty
-wrapText: BooleanProperty
Specifies the preferred number of text columns.
Specifies the preferred number of text rows.
Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the next line.
+TextArea(text: String)
Creates an empty text area.
Creates a text area with the specified text.
F IGURE 16.13
TextArea enables the user to enter or display multiple lines of characters.
Here is an example of creating a text area with 5 rows and 20 columns, wrapped to the next
line, red text color, and Courier font 20 pixels.
TextArea taNote = new TextArea( "This is a text area" );
taNote.setPrefColumnCount( 20 );
taNote.setPrefRowCount( 5 );
taNote.setWrapText( true );
taNote.setStyle( "-fx-text-fill: red" );
taNote.setFont(Font.font( "Times" , 20 ));
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