Java Reference
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38 }
39 });
41 rbBlue.setOnAction(e -> {
42 if (rbBlue.isSelected()) {
43 text.setFill(Color.BLUE);
44 }
45 });
return pane;
return border pane
48 }
49 }
main method omitted
RadioButtonDemo extends CheckBoxDemo and overrides the getPane() method (line
10). The new getPane() method invokes the getPane() method from the CheckBoxDemo
class to create a border pane that contains the check boxes, buttons, and a text (line 11). This
border pane is returned from invoking super.getPane() . The radio buttons are created and
added to paneForRadioButtons (lines 18-21). paneForRadioButtons is added to the
border pane (lines 22).
The radio buttons are grouped together in lines 24-27. The handlers for processing the
action event on radio buttons are created in lines 29-45. It sets the appropriate color based on
the status of the radio buttons.
The start method for this JavaFX program is defined in ButtonDemo and inherited in
CheckBoxDemo and then in RadioButtonDemo . So when you run RadioButtonDemo ,
the start method in ButtonDemo is invoked. Since the getPane() method is overrid-
den in RadioButtonDemo , the method in RadioButtonDemo is invoked from line 41 in
Listing 16.2,
How do you test if a radio button is selected?
Can you apply all the methods for Labeled to RadioButton ?
Can you set any node in the graphic property in a radio button?
How do you group radio buttons?
16.6 TextField
A text field can be used to enter or display a string. TextField is a subclass of
TextInputControl . Figure 16.11 lists the properties and constructors in TextField .
Here is an example of creating a noneditable text field with red text color, a specified font,
and right horizontal alignment:
TextField tfMessage = new TextField( "T-Strom" );
tfMessage.setEditable( false );
tfMessage.setStyle( "-fx-text-fill: red" );
tfMessage.setFont(Font.font( "Times" , 20 ));
When you move the cursor in the text field and press the Enter key, it fires an ActionEvent .
Listing 16.5 gives a program that adds a text field to the preceding example to let the user
set a new message, as shown in Figure 16.12.
1 import javafx.geometry.Insets;
2 import javafx.geometry.Pos;
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