Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The getter and setter methods for property
values and a getter for property itself are provided
in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.
-autoReverse: BooleanProperty
-cycleCount: IntegerProperty
-rate: DoubleProperty
-status: ReadOnlyObjectProperty
Defines whether the animation reverses direction on alternating cycles.
Defines the number of cycles in this animation.
Defines the speed and direction for this animation.
Read-only property to indicate the status of the animation.
+pause(): void
+play(): void
+stop(): void
Pauses the animation.
Plays the animation from the current position.
Stops the animation and resets the animation.
F IGURE 15.15
The abstract Animation class is the root class for JavaFX animations.
The autoReverse is a Boolean property that indicates whether an animation will reverse
its direction on the next cycle. The cycleCount indicates the number of the cycles for the
animation. You can use the constant Timeline.INDEFINTE to indicate an indefinite num-
ber of cycles. The rate defines the speed of the animation. A negative rate value indicates
the opposite direction for the animation. The status is a read-only property that indicates
the status of the animation ( Animation.Status.PAUSED , Animation.Status.RUNNING ,
and Animation.Status.STOPPED ). The methods pause() , play() , and stop() pauses,
plays, and stops an animation.
15.11.1 PathTransition
The PathTransition class animates the the moves of a node along a path from one end to
the other over a given time. PathTransition is a subtype of Animation . The UML class
diagram for the class is shown in FigureĀ 15.16.
The getter and setter methods for property
values and a getter for property itself are provided
in the class, but omitted in the UML diagram for brevity.
-duration: ObjectProperty<Duration>
-node: ObjectProperty<Node>
-orientation: ObjectProperty
-path: ObjectType<Shape>
The duration of this transition.
The target node of this transition.
The orientation of the node along the path.
The shape whose outline is used as a path to animate the node move.
+PathTransition(duration: Duration,
path: Shape)
+PathTransition(duration: Duration,
path: Shape, node: Node)
Creates an empty PathTransition .
Creates a PathTransition with the specified duration and path.
Creates a PathTransition with the specified duration, path, and node.
F IGURE 15.16
The PathTransition class defines an animation for a node along a path.
The Duration class defines a duration of time. It is an immutable class. The class defines
constants INDEFINTE , ONE , UNKNOWN , and ZERO to represent an indefinte duration, 1 milli-
seconds, unknow, and 0 duration. You can use new Duration(double millis) to create
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