Java Reference
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Pane pane = new Pane();
create a pane
15 // Create rectangles and add to pane
16 Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle( 25 , 10 , 60 , 30 );
17 r1.setStroke(Color.BLACK);
18 r1.setFill(Color.WHITE);
19 pane.getChildren().add( new Text( 10 , 27 , "r1" ));
create a rectangle r1
set r1 's properties
add r1 to pane
22 Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle( 25 , 50 , 60 , 30 );
23 pane.getChildren().add( new Text( 10 , 67 , "r2" ));
create rectangle r2
add r2 to pane
26 Rectangle r3 = new Rectangle( 25 , 90 , 60 , 30 );
27 r3.setArcWidth( 15 );
28 r3.setArcHeight( 25 );
29 pane.getChildren().add( new Text( 10 , 107 , "r3" ));
create rectangle r3
set r3 's arc width
set r3 's arc height
32 for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
33 Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 100 , 50 , 100 , 30 );
34 r.setRotate(i * 360 / 8 );
35 r.setStroke(Color.color(Math.random(), Math.random(),
36 Math.random()));
37 r.setFill(Color.WHITE);
create a rectangle
rotate a rectangle
add rectangle to pane
39 }
41 // Create a scene and place it in the stage
42 Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 250 , 150 );
43 primaryStage.setTitle( "ShowRectangle" ); // Set the stage title
44 primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
45; // Display the stage
46 }
47 }
The program creates multiple rectangles. By default, the fill color is black. So a rectangle
is filled with black color. The stroke color is white by default. Line 17 sets stroke color of
rectangle r1 to black. The program creates rectangle r3 (line 26) and sets its arc width and arc
height (lines 27-28). So r3 is displayed as a rounded rectangle.
The program repeatedly creates a rectangle (line 33), rotates it (line 34), sets a random
stroke color (lines 35-36), its fill color to white (line 37), and adds the rectangle to the pane
(line 38).
If line 37 is replaced by the following line
r.setFill( null );
the rectangle is not filled with a color. So they are displayed as shown in Figure 14.31c.
14.11.4 Circle and Ellipse
You have used circles in several examples early in this chapter. A circle is defined by its
parameters centerX , centerY , and radius . The Circle class defines a circle. The UML
diagram for the Circle class is shown in Figure 14.32.
An ellipse is defined by its parameters centerX , centerY , radiusX , and radiusY , as
shown in Figure  14.34a. The Ellipse class defines an ellipse. The UML diagram for the
Ellipse class is shown in Figure 14.33. Listing 14.17 gives an example that demonstrates
ellipses, as shown in Figure 14.34b.
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