Java Reference
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Thus, numbers are comparable, strings are comparable, and so are dates. You can use the
compareTo method to compare two numbers, two strings, and two dates. For example, the
following code
1 System.out.println( new Integer( 3 ).compareTo( new Integer( 5 )));
2 System.out.println( "ABC" .compareTo( "ABE" ));
3 java.util.Date date1 = new java.util.Date( 2013 , 1 , 1 );
4 java.util.Date date2 = new java.util.Date( 2012 , 1 , 1 );
5 System.out.println(date1.compareTo(date2));
Line 1 displays a negative value since 3 is less than 5 . Line 2 displays a negative value
since ABC is less than ABE . Line 5 displays a positive value since date1 is greater than
date2 .
Let n be an Integer object, s be a String object, and d be a Date object. All the follow-
ing expressions are true .
n instanceof Integer
s instanceof String
d instanceof java.util.Date
n instanceof Object
s instanceof Object
d instanceof Object
n instanceof Comparable
s instanceof Comparable
d instanceof Comparable
Since all Comparable objects have the compareTo method, the java.util.Arrays
.sort(Object[]) method in the Java API uses the compareTo method to compare and
sorts the objects in an array, provided that the objects are instances of the Comparable inter-
face. Listing 13.8 gives an example of sorting an array of strings and an array of BigInteger
1 import java.math.*;
3 public class SortComparableObjects {
4 public static void main(String[] args) {
5 String[] cities = { "Savannah" , "Boston" , "Atlanta" , "Tampa" };
6 java.util.Arrays.sort(cities);
7 for (String city: cities)
8 System.out.print(city + " " );
9 System.out.println();
11 BigInteger[] hugeNumbers = { new BigInteger( "2323231092923992" ),
12 new BigInteger( "432232323239292" ),
13 new BigInteger( "54623239292" )};
14 java.util.Arrays.sort(hugeNumbers);
15 for (BigInteger number: hugeNumbers)
16 System.out.print(number + " " );
17 }
18 }
create an array
sort the array
create an array
sort the array
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