Java Reference
In-Depth Information
11 // Read data from a file
12 while (input.hasNext()) {
13 String firstName =;
14 String mi =;
15 String lastName =;
16 int score = input.nextInt();
17 System.out.println(
18 firstName + "" + mi + "" + lastName + "" + score);
has next?
read items
John T Smith 90
Eric K Jones 85
21 // Close the file
22 input.close();
close file
24 }
Note that new Scanner(String) creates a Scanner for a given string. To create a Scanner
to read data from a file, you have to use the class to create an instance of the
File using the constructor new File(filename) (line 6), and use new Scanner(File)
to create a Scanner for the file (line 9).
Invoking the constructor new Scanner(File) may throw an I/O exception, so the main
method declares throws Exception in line 4.
Each iteration in the while loop reads the first name, middle initial, last name, and score
from the text file (lines 12-19). The file is closed in line 22.
It is not necessary to close the input file (line 22), but it is a good practice to do so to release
the resources occupied by the file. You can rewrite this program using the try-with-resources
syntax. See .
File class
throws Exception
close file
12.11.4 How Does Scanner Work?
The nextByte() , nextShort() , nextInt() , nextLong() , nextFloat() , next-
Double() , and next() methods are known as token-reading methods , because they read
tokens separated by delimiters. By default, the delimiters are whitespace characters. You
can use the useDelimiter(String regex) method to set a new pattern for delimiters.
How does an input method work? A token-reading method first skips any delimiters (whites-
pace characters by default), then reads a token ending at a delimiter. The token is then auto-
matically converted into a value of the byte , short , int , long , float , or double type for
nextByte() , nextShort() , nextInt() , nextLong() , nextFloat() , and nextDou-
ble() , respectively. For the next() method, no conversion is performed. If the token does
not match the expected type, a runtime exception java.util.InputMismatchException
will be thrown.
Both methods next() and nextLine() read a string. The next() method reads a string
delimited by delimiters, and nextLine() reads a line ending with a line separator.
token-reading method
change delimiter
next() vs. nextLine()
The line-separator string is defined by the system. It is \r\n on Windows and \n on
UNIX. To get the line separator on a particular platform, use
line separator
String lineSeparator = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
If you enter input from a keyboard, a line ends with the Enter key, which corresponds
to the \n character.
The token-reading method does not read the delimiter after the token. If the nextLine()
method is invoked after a token-reading method, this method reads characters that start from
this delimiter and end with the line separator. The line separator is read, but it is not part of the
string returned by nextLine() .
behavior of nextLine()
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