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Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a sequence of numbers ending
with 0 , and invokes this method to return the largest number in the input.
( The Course class ) Rewrite the Course class in Listing 10.6. Use an ArrayList
to replace an array to store students. Draw the new UML diagram for the class.
You should not change the original contract of the Course class (i.e., the defi-
nition of the constructors and methods should not be changed, but the private
members may be changed.)
( Use ArrayList ) Write a program that creates an ArrayList and adds a Loan
object, a Date object, a string, and a Circle object to the list, and use a loop
to display all the elements in the list by invoking the object's toString()
( Shuffle ArrayList ) Write the following method that shuffles the elements in
an ArrayList of integers.
public static void shuffle(ArrayList<Integer> list)
( New Account class )An Account class was specified in Programming
Exercise 9.7. Design a new Account class as follows:
New Account class
Add a new data field name of the String type to store the name of the
Add a new constructor that constructs an account with the specified name, id,
and balance.
Add a new data field named transactions whose type is ArrayList
that stores the transaction for the accounts. Each transaction is an instance
of the Transaction class. The Transaction class is defined as shown in
Figure 11.6.
The getter and setter methods for these data
fields are provided in the class, but omitted in the UML
diagram for brevity.
-date: java.util.Date
-type: char
The date of this transaction.
The type of the transaction, such as 'W' for withdrawal, 'D'
for deposit.
The amount of the transaction.
The new balance after this transaction.
-amount: double
-balance: double
-description: String
The description of this transaction.
+Transaction(type: char,
amount: double, balance:
double, description: String)
Construct a Transaction with the specified date, type,
balance, and description.
F IGURE 11.6
The Transaction class describes a transaction for a bank account.
Modify the withdraw and deposit methods to add a transaction to the
transactions array list.
All other properties and methods are the same as in Programming Exercise 9.7.
Write a test program that creates an Account with annual interest rate 1.5% ,
balance 1000 , id 1122 , and name George . Deposit $30, $40, and $50 to the
account and withdraw $5, $4, and $2 from the account. Print an account sum-
mary that shows account holder name, interest rate, balance, and all transactions.
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