Java Reference
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"Welcome to Java".endsWith("v") returns false .
"Welcome to Java".contains("to") returns true .
"Welcome to Java".contains("To") returns false .
Listing 4.2 gives a program that prompts the user to enter two cities and displays them in
alphabetical order.
1 import java.util.Scanner;
3 public class OrderTwoCities {
4 public static void main(String[] args) {
5 Scanner input = new Scanner(;
7 // Prompt the user to enter two cities
8 System.out.print( "Enter the first city: " );
9 String city1 = input.nextLine();
10 System.out.print( "Enter the second city: " );
input city1
String city2 = input.nextLine();
input city2
13 if (city1.compareTo(city2) < 0 )
14 System.out.println( "The cities in alphabetical order are " +
15 city1 + " " + city2);
16 else
17 System.out.println( "The cities in alphabetical order are " +
18 city2 + " " + city1);
19 }
20 }
compare two cities
Enter the first city: New York
Enter the second city: Boston
The cities in alphabetical order are Boston New York
The program reads two strings for two cities (lines 9, 11). If input.nextLine() is replaced
by (line 9), you cannot enter a string with spaces for city1 . Since a city name
may contain multiple words separated by spaces, the program uses the nextLine method to
read a string (lines 9, 11). Invoking city1.compareTo(city2) compares two strings city1
with city2 (line 13). A negative return value indicates that city1 is less than city2 .
4.4.8 Obtaining Substrings
You can obtain a single character from a string using the charAt method. You can also
obtain a substring from a string using the substring method in the String class, as shown
in Table 4.9.
For example,
String message = "Welcome to Java" ;
String message = message.substring( 0 , 11 ) + "HTML" ;
The string message now becomes Welcome to HTML .
T ABLE 4.9
The String cla ss contains the methods for obtaining substrings.
Returns this string's substring that begins with the character at the specified beginIndex and extends
to the end of the string, as shown in Figure 4.2.
Returns this string's substring that begins at the specified beginIndex and extends to the character at index
endIndex - 1 , as shown in Figure 4.2. Note that the character at endIndex is not part of the substring.
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