Java Reference
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(e.g., a number), the nonstring value is converted into a string and concatenated with the other
string. Here are some examples:
// Three strings are concatenated
String message = "Welcome " + "to " + "Java" ;
// String Chapter is concatenated with number 2
String s = "Chapter" + 2 ; // s becomes Chapter2
// String Supplement is concatenated with character B
String s1 = "Supplement" + 'B' ; // s1 becomes SupplementB
If neither of the operands is a string, the plus sign ( + ) is the addition operator that adds two
The augmented += operator can also be used for string concatenation. For example, the
following code appends the string "and Java is fun" with the string "Welcome to
Java" in message .
message += " and Java is fun" ;
So the new message is "Welcome to Java and Java is fun" .
If i = 1 and j = 2 , what is the output of the following statement?
System.out.println( "i + j is " + i + j);
The output is "i + j is 12" because "i + j is " is concatenated with the value of
i first. To force i + j to be executed first, enclose i + j in the parentheses, as follows:
System.out.println( "i + j is " + (i + j));
4.4.4 Converting Strings
The toLowerCase() method returns a new string with all lowercase letters and the
toUpperCase() method returns a new string with all uppercase letters. For example,
"Welcome".toLowerCase() returns a new string welcome .
"Welcome".toUpperCase() returns a new string WELCOME .
The trim() method returns a new string by eliminating whitespace characters from both
ends of the string. The characters ' ' , \t , \f , \r , or \n are known as whitespace characters .
For example,
whitespace character
"\t Good Night \n".trim() returns a new string Good Night .
4.4.5 Reading a String from the Console
To read a string from the console, invoke the next() method on a Scanner object. For
example, the following code reads three strings from the keyboard:
read strings
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print( "Enter three words separated by spaces: " );
String s1 =;
String s2 =;
String s3 =;
System.out.println( "s1 is " + s1);
System.out.println( "s2 is " + s2);
System.out.println( "s3 is " + s3);
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