Java Reference
In-Depth Information
For this project, you need to create three JSF pages named AddressRegistration.xhtml,
ConfirmAddress.xhtml, AddressStoredStatus.xhtml in Listings 33.16-33.18. The project
starts with AddressRegistration.xhtml. When clicking the Submit button, the action for the
button returns ”ConfirmAddress” if the last name and first name are not empty, which causes
ConfirmAddress.xhtml to be displayed. When clicking the Confirm button, the status page
AddressStoredStatus is displayed. When clicking the Go Back button, the first page Address-
Registration is now displayed.
L ISTING 33.16
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
3 "">
4 <html xmlns=""
5 xmlns:h=""
6 xmlns:f="">
7 <h:head>
8 <title>Student Registration Form</title>
9 </h:head>
10 <h:body>
11 <h:form>
12 <!-- Use h:graphicImage -->
13 <h3>Student Registration Form
14 <h:graphicImage name="usIcon.gif" library="image"/>
15 </h3>
17 Please register to your instructor's student address book.
18 <!-- Use h:panelGrid -->
19 <h:panelGrid columns="6">
20 <h:outputLabel value="Last Name" style="color:red"/>
21 <h:inputText id="lastNameInputText"
22 value="#{addressRegistration.lastName}"/>
23 <h:outputLabel value="First Name" style="color:red"/>
24 <h:inputText id="firstNameInputText"
25 value="#{addressRegistration.firstName}"/>
26 <h:outputLabel value="MI" />
27 <h:inputText id="miInputText" size="1"
28 value="#{addressRegistration.mi}"/>
29 </h:panelGrid>
31 <h:panelGrid columns="4">
32 <h:outputLabel value="Telephone"/>
33 <h:inputText id="telephoneInputText"
34 value="#{addressRegistration.telephone}"/>
35 <h:outputLabel value="Email"/>
36 <h:inputText id="emailInputText"
37 value="#{}"/>
38 </h:panelGrid>
40 <h:panelGrid columns="4">
41 <h:outputLabel value="Street"/>
42 <h:inputText id="streetInputText"
43 value="#{addressRegistration.street}"/>
44 </h:panelGrid>
46 <h:panelGrid columns="6">
47 <h:outputLabel value="City"/>
48 <h:inputText id="cityInputText"
49 value="#{}"/>
jsf core namespace
bind lastName
bind firstName
bind mi
bind telephone
bind email
bind street
bind city
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