Java Reference
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What is y after the following switch statement is executed? Rewrite the code using
an if-else statement.
x = 3 ; y = 3 ;
switch (x + 3 ) {
case 6 : y = 1 ;
default : y += 1 ;
What is x after the following if-else statement is executed? Use a switch state-
ment to rewrite it and draw the flowchart for the new switch statement.
int x = 1 , a = 3 ;
if (a == 1 )
x += 5 ;
else if (a == 2 )
x += 10 ;
else if (a == 3 )
x += 16 ;
else if (a == 4 )
x += 34 ;
Write a switch statement that displays Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, if day is 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , accordingly.
3.14 Conditional Expressions
A conditional expression evaluates an expression based on a condition.
You might want to assign a value to a variable that is restricted by certain conditions. For
example, the following statement assigns 1 to y if x is greater than 0 , and -1 to y if x is less
than or equal to 0 .
if (x > 0 )
y = 1 ;
y = -1 ;
Alternatively, as in the following example, you can use a conditional expression to achieve
the same result.
y = (x > 0 )? 1 : -1 ;
Conditional expressions are in a completely different style, with no explicit if in the state-
ment. The syntax is:
conditional expression
boolean-expression ? expression1 : expression2;
The result of this conditional expression is expression1 if boolean-expression is true;
otherwise the result is expression2 .
Suppose you want to assign the larger number of variable num1 and num2 to max . You can
simply write a statement using the conditional expression:
max = (num1 > num2) ? num1 : num2;
For another example, the following statement displays the message “num is even” if num is
even, and otherwise displays “num is odd.”
System.out.println((num % 2 == 0 ) ? "num is even" : "num is odd" );
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