Java Reference
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Step 1. Right-click the project node jsf2demo to display a context menu as shown in
Figure 33.6. Choose New , JSF Managed Bean to display the New JSF Managed Bean
dialog box, as shown in Figure 33.7. (Note: if you don't see JSF Managed Bean in the
menu, choose Other to locate it in the JavaServer Faces category.)
Step 2. Enter and select the following fields, as shown in Figure 33.7:
Class Name: TimeBean
Package: jsf2demo
Name: timeBean
Scope: request
Click Finish to create, as shown in Figure 33.8.
Step 3. Add the getTime() method to return the current time, as shown in Listing 33.2.
F IGURE 33.6
Choose JSF Managed Bean to create a JavaBean for JSF.
1 package jsf2demo;
3 import javax.inject.Named;
4 import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
6 @Named
7 @RequestScoped
8 public class TimeBean {
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