Java Reference
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( Access and update a Staff table ) Write a program that views, inserts, and
updates staff information stored in a database, as shown in Figure  32.27a. The
View button displays a record with a specified ID. The Insert button inserts a new
record. The Update button updates the record for the specified ID. The Staff
table is created as follows:
create table Staff (
id char ( 9 ) not null ,
lastName varchar ( 15 ),
firstName varchar ( 15 ),
mi char ( 1 ),
address varchar ( 20 ),
city varchar ( 20 ),
state char ( 2 ),
telephone char ( 10 ),
email varchar ( 40 ),
primary key (id)
F IGURE 32.27
(a) The program lets you view, insert, and update staff information. (b) The PieChart and BarChart
components display the query data obtained from the data module.
( Visualize data ) Write a program that displays the number of students in each
department in a pie chart and a bar chart, as shown in Figure 32.27b. The number
of students for each department can be obtained from the Student table (see
Figure 32.4) using the following SQL statement:
select deptId, count (*)
from Student
where deptId is not null
group by deptId;
( Connection dialog ) Develop a subclass of BorderPane named DBConnectionPane
that enables the user to select or enter a JDBC driver and a URL and to enter a user-
name and password, as shown in Figure 32.28. When the Connect to DB button is
clicked, a Connection object for the database is stored in the connection prop-
erty. You can then use the getConnection() method to return the connection.
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