Java Reference
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For example, the following statement inserts a record into the Course table. The new record
has the courseId '11113', subjectId 'CSCI', courseNumber '3720', title 'Database
Systems', and creditHours 3.
insert into Course (courseId, subjectId, courseNumber, title, numOfCredits)
values ( '11113' , 'CSCI' , '3720' , 'Database Systems' , 3 );
The column names are optional. If they are omitted, all the column values for the record must
be entered, even though the columns have default values. String values are case sensitive and
enclosed inside single quotation marks in SQL.
The syntax to update a table is:
update tableName
set column1 = newValue1 [, column2 = newValue2, ... ]
[ where condition];
For example, the following statement changes the numOfCredits for the course whose
title is Database Systems to 4.
update Course
set numOfCredits = 4
where title = 'Database Systems' ;
The syntax to delete records from a table is:
delete from tableName
[ where condition];
For example, the following statement deletes the Database Systems course from the Course
delete from Course
where title = 'Database Systems' ;
The following statement deletes all the records from the Course table:
delete from Course;
32.3.5 Simple Queries
To retrieve information from tables, use a select statement with the following syntax:
select column-list
from table-list
[ where condition];
The select clause lists the columns to be selected. The from clause refers to the tables
involved in the query. The optional where clause specifies the conditions for the selected
Query 1: Select all the students in the CS department, as shown in FigureĀ 32.12.
select firstName, mi, lastName
from Student
where deptId = 'CS' ;
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