Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Socket constructor throws a if the host
cannot be found.
31.2.3 Data Transmission through Sockets
After the server accepts the connection, communication between the server and the client is
conducted in the same way as for I/O streams. The statements needed to create the streams and
to exchange data between them are shown in FigureĀ 31.2.
int port = 8000;
int port = 8000;
DataInputStream in;
DataOutputStream out;
ServerSocket server;
Socket socket;
String host = "localhost"
DataInputStream in;
DataOutputStream out;
Socket socket;
server = new ServerSocket(port);
socket = server.accept();
in = new DataInputStream
out = new DataOutStream
socket = new Socket(host, port);
in = new DataInputStream
out = new DataOutputStream
F IGURE 31.2
The server and client exchange data through I/O streams on top of the socket.
To get an input stream and an output stream, use the getInputStream() and
getOutputStream() methods on a socket object. For example, the following statements
create an InputStream stream called input and an OutputStream stream called output
from a socket:
InputStream input = socket.getInputStream();
OutputStream output = socket.getOutputStream();
The InputStream and OutputStream streams are used to read or write bytes. You can
use DataInputStream , DataOutputStream , BufferedReader , and PrintWriter to
wrap on the InputStream and OutputStream to read or write data, such as int , double ,
or String . The following statements, for instance, create the DataInputStream stream
input and the DataOutput stream output to read and write primitive data values:
DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream
The server can use input.readDouble() to receive a double value from the client and
output.writeDouble(d) to send the double value d to the client.
Recall that binary I/O is more efficient than text I/O because text I/O requires encoding
and decoding. Therefore, it is better to use binary I/O for transmitting data between a
server and a client to improve performance.
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