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when all vertices are in the tree. Design and implement an algorithm for finding
an MST using Kruskal's algorithm.
( Implement Prim's algorithm using an adjacency matrix ) The text implements
Prim's algorithm using lists for adjacent edges. Implement the algorithm using
an adjacency matrix for weighted graphs.
( Implement Dijkstra's algorithm using an adjacency matrix ) The text imple-
ments Dijkstra's algorithm using lists for adjacent edges. Implement the algo-
rithm using an adjacency matrix for weighted graphs.
( Modify weight in the nine tails problem ) In the text, we assign the number of
the flips as the weight for each move. Assuming that the weight is three times
of the number of flips, revise the program.
( Prove or disprove ) The conjecture is that both NineTailModel and
WeightedNineTailModel result in the same shortest path. Write a program to
prove or disprove it. ( Hint : Let tree1 and tree2 denote the trees rooted at node
511 obtained from NineTailModel and WeightedNineTailModel , respec-
tively. If the depth of a node u is the same in tree1 and in tree2 , the length of
the path from u to the target is the same.)
( Weighted 4
4 16 tails model ) The weighted nine tails problem in the text
uses a 3
4 matrix.
Create a new model class named WeightedTailModel16 . Create an instance
of the model and save the object into a file named WeightedTailModel16.dat .
3 matrix. Assume that you have 16 coins placed in a 4
( Weighted 4
4 16 tails ) Revise Listing 29.9,, for the
weighted 4
4 16 tails problem. Your program should read the model object
created from the preceding exercise.
( Traveling salesperson problem ) The traveling salesperson problem (TSP) is
to find a shortest round-trip route that visits each city exactly once and then
returns to the starting city. The problem is equivalent to finding a shortest
Hamiltonian cycle in Programming Exercise 28.17. Add the following method
in the WeightedGraph class:
// Return a shortest cycle
// Return null if no such cycle exists
public List<Integer> getShortestHamiltonianCycle()
( Find a minimum spanning tree ) Write a program that reads a connected graph
from a file and displays its minimum spanning tree. The first line in the file
contains a number that indicates the number of vertices ( n ). The vertices are
labeled as 0 , 1 , ..., n-1 . Each subsequent line describes the edges in the form
of u1, v1, w1 | u2, v2, w2 | ... . Each triplet in this form describes
an edge and its weight. FigureĀ 29.24 shows an example of the file for the cor-
responding graph. Note that we assume the graph is undirected. If the graph has
0, 1, 100 | 0, 2, 3
1, 3, 20
2, 3, 40 | 2, 4, 2
3, 4, 5 | 3, 5, 5
4, 5, 9
F IGURE 29.24
The vertices and edges of a weighted graph can be stored in a file.
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