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edges[i][1] and the weight for the edge is edges[i][2] . For example, { 0 , 1 , 807 }
(line 8) represents the edge from vertex 0 ( edges[0][0] ) to vertex 1 ( edges[0][1] )
with weight 807 ( edges[0][2] ). { 0 , 5 , 2097 } (line 8) represents the edge from ver-
tex 0 ( edges[2][0] ) to vertex 5 ( edges[2][1] ) with weight 2097 ( edges[2][2] ).
Line 35 invokes the printWeightedEdges() method on graph1 to display all edges
in graph1 .
The program creates the edges for graph2 for the graph in Figure 29.3a in lines 37-44.
Line 46 invokes the printWeightedEdges() method on graph2 to display all edges in
graph2 .
If a priority queue is used to store weighted edges, what is the output of the following
PriorityQueue<WeightedEdge> q = new PriorityQueue<>();
q.offer( new WeightedEdge( 1 , 2 , 3.5 ));
q.offer( new WeightedEdge( 1 , 6 , 6.5 ));
q.offer( new WeightedEdge( 1 , 7 , 1.5 ));
29.4 If a priority queue is used to store weighted edges, what is wrong in the following
code? Fix it and show the output.
List<PriorityQueue<WeightedEdge>> queues = new ArrayList<>();
queues.get( 0 ).offer( new WeightedEdge( 0 , 2 , 3.5 ));
queues.get( 0 ).offer( new WeightedEdge( 0 , 6 , 6.5 ));
queues.get( 0 ).offer( new WeightedEdge( 0 , 7 , 1.5 ));
queues.get( 1 ).offer( new WeightedEdge( 1 , 0 , 3.5 ));
queues.get( 1 ).offer( new WeightedEdge( 1 , 5 , 8.5 ));
queues.get( 1 ).offer( new WeightedEdge( 1 , 8 , 19.5 ));
System.out.println(queues.get( 0 ).peek()
.compareTo(queues.get( 1 ).peek()));
29.4 Minimum Spanning Trees
A minimum spanning tree of a graph is a spanning tree with the minimum total
A graph may have many spanning trees. Suppose that the edges are weighted. A minimum span-
ning tree has the minimum total weights. For example, the trees in Figures 29.5b, 29.5c, 29.5d are
spanning trees for the graph in Figure 29.5a. The trees in Figures 29.3c and 29.3d are minimum
spanning trees.
The problem of finding a minimum spanning tree has many applications. Consider a com-
pany with branches in many cities. The company wants to lease telephone lines to connect all
the branches together. The phone company charges different amounts of money to connect
different pairs of cities. There are many ways to connect all branches together. The cheapest
way is to find a spanning tree with the minimum total rates.
minimum spanning tree
29.4.1 Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
How do you find a minimum spanning tree? There are several well-known algorithms for
doing so. This section introduces Prim's algorithm . Prim's algorithm starts with a spanning
tree T that contains an arbitrary vertex. The algorithm expands the tree by repeatedly adding a
vertex with the lowest-cost edge incident to a vertex already in the tree. Prim's algorithm is a
greedy algorithm, and it is described in Listing 29.4.
Prim's algorithm
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