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( Display sets of connected circles ) Modify Listing 28.10,, to display sets of connected circles in different colors.
That is, if two circles are connected, they are displayed using the same color;
otherwise, they are not in same color, as shown in Figure  28.25. ( Hint : See
Programming Exercise 28.4.)
F IGURE 28.25
(a) Connected circles are displayed in the same color. (b) Rectangles are not filled with a color if they are
not connected. (c) Rectangles are filled with a color if they are connected.
( Move a circle ) Modify Listing 28.10,, to enable the
user to drag and move a circle.
( Connected rectangles ) Listing 28.10,, allows the user
to create circles and determine whether they are connected. Rewrite the pro-
gram for rectangles. The program lets the user create a rectangle by clicking a
mouse in a blank area that is not currently covered by a rectangle. As the rec-
tangles are added, the rectangles are repainted as filled if they are connected or
are unfilled otherwise, as shown in Figure 28.25b-c.
( Remove a circle ) Modify Listing 28.10,, to enable the
user to remove a circle when the mouse is clicked inside the circle.
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